HART 関連ツイート
@hart_ugougo 2018/11/14 09:39
@hart_002bot 2018/11/14 04:52
ニコ動活動休止中o(`・ω´・+o) 今はミクチャのこえ、歌カテゴリで活動しています〜
[はる はるくま ]で検索検索〜@hart_nico 2018/11/14 08:21
2015/4/14 発売輸入盤レーベル:PROVOGUE収録曲:(ベスハート)Better Than Home quite possibly her greatest album is that it is her most introspective work ever, because it goes to the depth of her soul, revealing terrible pain in her past, family issues and personal demons as well as her coming to grips with them and using that knowledge to find the real beauty in her life.
@hart_ugougo 2018/11/14 09:39
@hart_002bot 2018/11/14 04:52
ニコ動活動休止中o(`・ω´・+o) 今はミクチャのこえ、歌カテゴリで活動しています〜
[はる はるくま ]で検索検索〜@hart_nico 2018/11/14 08:21
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